Major Works                 

 All of works are written in Japanese.


1. The Essence of the Science of Religion, Tokyo, Hokuju publishing company, 1993.
2. P. Tillich and the theories of Religion, Tokyo, Hokuju publishing company, 1994.
3. P. Tillich and the Challenge of Apologetic Theology, Tokyo, Sobunsha, 1995.
4. Christianity and Modern World (joint work with DOI Kenji, TSUJI Manabu), Tokyo, Kyobunkwan, 2000.
5. Christianity and the Present Age: Historical Development of Eschatology
  (the joint work with KOHARA Katsuhiro), Kyoto, Sekaisisosha, 2001.
6. Religion and Scientific Modern World (joint work),Tokyo,Hokuju publishing company, 2004.

Major Articles

1. "Paul Tillich and the Problem of Symbolism", Journal of Christian Studies
  (The Society of Christian Studies, Kyoto University), Vol. 7, 1984, pp.78-92.
2. "The Problems of protestantism in P. Tillich", Theological Studies in Japan
  (The Japan Society of Christian Studies), No.25, 1986 pp.43-71.
3. "The Problem of Time in Paul Tillich", Journal of Christian Studies, Vol. 9, 1986, pp.115-130.
4. "P. Tillich and the Problem of God (1)", Jimbun Kenkyu. Studies in the Humanities
  (Bulletin of the Faculty of Literature, Osaka City University), Vol.41. No.7, 1989, pp. 63-83.
5. "P. Tillich and the Problem of God (2)",
  Jimbun Kenkyu. Studies in the Humanities, Vol.42. No.3, 1990, pp. 61-80.
6. "On the Definition of Religion",
  Jimbun Kenkyu. Studies in the Humanities, Vol.43. No.4, 1991, pp. 23-43.
7. "Metaphor and Theological Realism", Journal of Christian Studies, Vol.13, 1992, pp.75-102.
8. "Religions Knowledges and the New Being", The Journal of Philosophical Studies
  (The Tetsugaku Kenkyu, Kyoto), No.559, 1993, pp.33-72.
9. "Faith and Self", Jimbun Kenkyu. Studies in the Humanities, Vol.45. No.3, 1993, pp. 107-126.
10. "Schweitzer and the Theories of Life in Modern Theology", A Study of Schweitzer
  (Albert Schweitzer Fellowship Japan), Volume No.22, 1994, pp.5-26
11. "The Ecological Problem from the Perspective of Christian Thought",
  Theological Studies in Japan , No.36, 1997, pp.101-108.
12. "Eschatology in the contemporary chvistian thoughts",
  Journal of Christian Studies, Vol.18, 1998, 213-234.
13. "Christianity and Modernization in East Asia", Journal of The Institute for Asian Studies
  (The Institute for Asian Studies, Asia University), No.25, 1999, pp.137-162.
14. "Christianity and Early Natural Science",
  Memoirs of the Faculty of Letters. Kyoto University, No.38, 1999, pp.147-244.
15. "Early Tillich and Hegel", Studies of Paul Tillich 1,
  Saitama,Seigakuin University Press, 1999, pp.166 -198.
16. "The Lost of the Depth-dimension", Religion: Its Origion and phenomena, Kyoto,
  Mineruba Shobo, 1999, pp.75-92.
17. "Faith in Christianity and religious Language",
  The Journal of philosophical Studies, No.568, 1999, pp.44-76.
18. "Christianity and the Problems of Religious Pluralism", Bulletin of the Society for Relisions Studies
  (The Society for Religious Studies. Otani University), No.11, 2000, pp.29-56.
19. "Tillich : Dimension Theory of Life and the Problem of Science", Tillich Studies
  (Study Group for Modern Christian Thoughts, Kyoto), I, March 2000, pp.1-16.
20. "The fundamental question of Paul Tillich and development of his Thought",
  Studies of Paul Tillich 2, Saitama,Seigakuin Universtiy Press, 2000, pp.184-217.
21. "Tillichi and Schleiermacher", Tillich Studies , II, March 2001, pp.1-17.
22. "The Problems of Chrisrianity in South Asia",
  Journal of The Institute for Asian Studies , No.27, 2001, pp.191-218.
23. "Christian Thought and the Plurality of Religions", Joural of Religious Studies
  (Japanese Association for Religious Studies), No.392-2, 2001, pp.199-245.
24. "Paul Tillich: Beyond the Utopianism",Tillich Studies, III, March 2001, pp.73-82.
25. "Tillich and Ecological Theology", Tillich Studies, IV, March 2002, pp.1-16.
26. "The Problems of God in the Christian Thought",
  Schelling-Jahrbuch, Bd.10, Kyoto, Koyo Shobo Verlag, 2002, pp.59-67.
27. "Paul Tillich and the Theology of Science",
  The Bulletin of the Institute for the Study of Christianity and Culture  
  (The Institute for the Study of Christianity and Culture. Tohoku Gakuin Universtiy), No.20, 2002, pp.1-31.
28. "Tillich and Einstein: On the Personal God", Tillich Studies,V, September 2002, pp.1-18.
29. "The Religious Situation of East Asia and Christianity", Asia,Christianity, Plurality
  (Study Group for Modern Christian Thoughts), I, 2003, pp.1-17.
30. "Metaphor, Model, Plurality", Tillich Studies, VI, March 2003, pp.1-23.
31. "Environment and Symbiosis", Studies in Comparative Philosophy
  (Japanese Association for Comparative Philosophy), No.29, 2003, pp.28-35.
32. "Paul Tillich and Theology of Peace", Tillich Studies, VII, September 2003, pp.1-10
33. "Religious Plurality and Reconstruction of Christianity",
  Interreligious Dialogue in Global Age,Taisho Universtiy Press, 2004, pp.121-157.
34. "Danzyo EBINA in the context of Christian Thoughts", Asia,Christianity, Plurality, II, 2004, pp.1-30.
35. "Paul Tillich and the problems of Mysticism", Tillich Studies, VIII, March 2004, pp.1-15.
36. "Religious Situation in Japan and the Possibility of Interreligious Dialogue",
  Journal of the Asia Area Studies (Pusan University of Foreign Studies), No.7, 2004, pp.1-18.
37. "Christian Thoughts and the Problem of Metaphysics",
   Journal of Christian Studies, Vol.24, 2004, pp.1-23.
38. "Towards a study of Asian Christianity", Asia, Christianity, Plurality, III, 2005, pp.71-88.
39. "Tillich and Fichte", Tillich Studies, IX, March 2005, pp.45-62.

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